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The Matrix Revolutions: Symbolism

Symbolism of Names

Rama Kandra We meet Sati's father Rama Kandra in the Train Station but we first see him in Reloaded in Le Vrai Restaurant. He's being hauled off in this scene and we can assume this is tied to his negotiation with the Merovingian to get Sati out of the mainframe. Rama Kandra, (usually Ramchandra) was an incarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism. He destroyed demons in his quest to rid the world of evil.

Kamala Sati's mother Kamala is another name for Laksmi which is the Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune.

The Rama Kandra family are tied closely to the themes of Hinduism in the Matrix. Bernard White, who played Rama Kandra told Cinescape magazine that he had a copy of the Bagavad Gita with him all the time during filming. He also did a live performance of the Bagavad Gita in L.A. and urged Matrix fans to see it because it's a 'great spiritual inspiration for the Matrix films'.

Club Hel The club that the Matrix crew visit to learn how to find Neo obviously stands for Hell. The Merovingian rules the 'underworld' here like Hades from Greek mythology. Hades was also the character who stole Persephone and forced her to live with him in Hell.

Trainman Programs are smuggled in and out of the Matrix by the Trainman. He built the Train Station program and the Merovingian controls what goes in and out.

more to come...

Symbolism of Music

by Don Davis (found on the Revolutions Soundrack)

Navras plays over the closing credits of Revolutions, and the words of the main chant are taken from the Upanishads.

This is what you hear:

Asato ma sad gamaya,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya,
mrtyor mamrtam gamaya.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Which translates to:

Lead us from darkness to the light,
Lead us from knowledge of the unreal to the real,
Lead us from fear of death to knowledge of our immortality.
Peace, peace, peace.

And if that doesn't symbolize the entire Matrix Trilogy, I don't know what does.
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Did You Know?

Given we know Neo flies 500 miles from the Merovingian's castle to the city to save Morpheus and the Keymaker on the highway, and it takes 14 Minutes and 20 Seconds of movie time, it appears Neo can fly around 2093 mph! Of course, this doesn't take into consideration the magic of movie editing, or any bathroom breaks.
- Suggested by Ben Ghaner
Main Character from The Matrix

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