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The Matrix Reloaded: Synopsis

Zion, mankind's last free city, has been located by the machines. With 250,000 sentinels only hours away, Zion's military leaders scramble all hovercrafts and personnel to defend the city and its people. Believing mankind's salvation lies not with a military action, but with the Oracle's prophecy, Morpheus pleads for time and resources to allow the Oracle to contact Neo. While Neo has gained greater control over his abilities in the Matrix, he is haunted by horrifying visions of death that threaten to paralyze him in the moment of truth. With new information from the Oracle, Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus take the fight into the Matrix in hopes of saving Zion, and ending the machine's enslavement of humanity once and for all. Reloaded is the first half of a 4.5 hour movie; Revolutions completes it.

The Matrix Reloaded: Neo Stopping Bullets

Did You Know?

Composer Don Davis used a combination of orchestral and samples for the score of Reloaded. For one effect he placed dry ice on tam tams, cymbals and the inside of the piano. 'The dry ice excites the metal and starts it to vibrate, and so we...did some processing and editing to that, and those samples will show up...particularly under the Agent Smith character.'
- (Cinescape 6-03)
Main Character from The Matrix

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