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The Matrix: Three Cheers, Sweet Sixteen
by Tracy Hostmyer

Green rain
Dripping with sweat
Encoded, engrained
Freedom-not yet.
No blood
No frown
The people in the ?ix
So much like now
It almost makes me sick.
Unplug your mind
Oh ye of little faith
For freedom is thine.
Be young in mind
And in heart, do wait.
We are here
Freeing minds
One at a time.
Three Cheers
Sweet Sixteen,
Agents of mercy
For prisoner-green
The goo and the ooze
MJ gave to us
Lasts for a night;
Get on the real bus.
Go into time
Eternal rooms
To the future's line
Ride your brooms
Fly fly
Your wings within
Can soar to the sky.
Erase Original Sin.
Still stuck?
Mind controlled,
He will stoop
With darkness gropin?
The One
The Truth.
Your eyes will open.
Now realize
Your enemy lies
Like a lion
Don't theorize
Nor believe
The lie.
'Tis the point of conflict
Call on the One,
Green and black
Sewage on your feet
Now longing for freedom
May it ring sweet.
America's trust
On coins, so absurd
Oh how twisted
Culture bends words
That set free:
Not correct
This ain't no spoon
This is eternity.
Oh how to
How to
Guidance is must
Petition and trust.
They are out there
To off you
They'll use, ooo:
Of Him
And the Wife
To get you back on the fence.
Make certain
Your guide-
It will save your life.

This is the real Matrix
This is life and death
The spirit's made to live
Forever in holy meth
Energy boundless
Wine flowing endless
Join the team
Prepare to fight
For such is the time
For arms to unite
It really is the Truth

Just because something
Is free and considered
Doesn't mean it isn't
Ruling the world

He sees you
He knew your essence
Before you were born
The Matrix failed
Contentment's forlorn
See see wake up wake up
The sun shines on you
Drink the cup
Discover riches
Mine for gold
Hidden treasure
Prepared for you,
The young and the old

Come with me
To a place you can see
And touch and smell
And drink
The well
The door is opened for you
Follow the little white... The Matrix 101 - Your Guide To Understanding The Matrix Trilogy

Did You Know?

At the 'Door to the Source' briefing in 'Reloaded' The Keymaker tells the rebels that the amount of time that the One has to open the door to the Source is 314 seconds. This is likely an allusion to PI, 3.14, which is a close approximation of the relation of a circle's circumference to its diameter, yet contains an unending anomaly, much like the One is to the Matrix.
- Submitted by Ross McDermott
Main Character from The Matrix

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