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The Animatrix: A Detective Story

Written By: Shinichiro Watanabe
Directed By: Shinichiro Watanabe

A spare film noir-style detective story about a down-on-his-luck detective hired to find Trinity the hacker, early in her career with Morpheus. In black and white the filmmakers capture amazing 40s-style New York scenes especially impressive in the latter half depicting a snowfall. Using an array of old and new technology the detective tracks her down by hanging out on hacker sites tracking down Alice in Wonderland references. He has been hired by the Agents of course to help lead them to Trinity. The story ends appropriately with a gunfight on a train. Carrie-Anne Moss provides the voice for Trinity in this film.

The Animatrix: Scene from A Detective Story

Also by this director:
Cowboy Bebop (director)
Macross Plus (co-director)

Read an interview with the director.

Get The Animatrix for yourself!

Did You Know?

At the 'Door to the Source' briefing in 'Reloaded' The Keymaker tells the rebels that the amount of time that the One has to open the door to the Source is 314 seconds. This is likely an allusion to PI, 3.14, which is a close approximation of the relation of a circle's circumference to its diameter, yet contains an unending anomaly, much like the One is to the Matrix.
- Submitted by Ross McDermott
Main Character from The Matrix

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